In the south-west of WA, canola is grown in a Mediterranean environment that is a major determinant of the behaviour of the disease. Firstly, the dry summers favour survival of the fungus because of slow decomposition of crop residues. All residues remain a source of inoculum for up to 4 years. Rapidly increasing amounts of infected residues have resulted in more inoculum and more intense and frequent periods of spore dispersal. Secondly, the Mediterranean environment aligns major ascospore showers to seedling emergence as both are dictated by the early seasonal rains. Thirdly, relatively mild winters favour infection and canker development by the fungus (Barbetti 1975a), encouraging the development of severe epidemics. Fourthly, the moisture stress conditions at the end of the growing season in medium to low rainfall areas coincide with maximum blackleg damage to plant crowns, increasing the impact on yield. Fifthly, the dry summers associated with sandy soils result in sand blasting that makes plants more prone to blackleg infection. Finally, the physical damage caused to seedlings from strong winds makes plants more prone to this disease.
In WA, blackleg is exacerbated by the widespread use of varieties with relatively low resistance to blackleg, with more than 80% of the area sown in 1998 to the variety Karoo, a variety which has only intermediate resistance (score 5) under WA conditions. Stubble retention practices and slow decomposition of residues allow the blackleg fungus to survive for up to 4 years. The widespread use of minimum tillage practices encourages residues on the soil surface rather than incorporated into soil, and may lengthen the period of survival in the residues to 5 or 6 years. There is currently in excess of 1,000,000 ha of infected canola residues and this is expected to increase further next season. These increased areas of infected residues have made the practice of sowing canola well away from residues (eg. 1-2 kilometres) impractical, and in most areas it is no longer feasible to avoid proximity to them when planting canola. Use of tighter rotations resulting from a shortage of suitable land for canola, especially in the high rainfall areas, makes it even more difficult to avoid planting near infected residues. The relatively high frequency of sowing canola varieties with low blackleg resistance in the vicinity of infected residues indicates that many canola growers have been unable or unwilling to make a proper assessment of the disease risk. Available host resistance is now inadequate to avoid significant yield losses. Means of disposing of residues, enhancing residue breakdown and of suppressing sporulation in the residues urgently need to be investigated.
Estimating potential yield losses
Canola growers in WA can now estimate their yield losses in different situations and for different scenarios on their individual farms, using the actual recorded losses from different disease pressures shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Losses in canola varieties with different levels of adult resistance growing directly on canola residues of different ages to produce different blackleg disease pressures.
Variety |
WA adult |
Residue age 4 |
age (years) 3 |
2 |
1 |
Hyola 42 |
4 |
10-15% |
25-35% |
60-70% |
100% |
Karoo |
5 |
5-10% |
20-25% |
50-60% |
80-90% |
Oscar |
6 |
0-5% |
10-15% |
40-50% |
70-90% |
Dunkeld |
7 |
0% |
5-10% |
30-40% |
75-85% |
Relative risks from blackleg in different areas
Highest risk areas are those with > 450 mm annual rainfall. In these areas there are frequent ascospore showers and the conditions are favourable for maximum disease development. It is recommended that growers only sow varieties with a resistance score of 6 or more. Medium risk areas are those with 450-325 mm rainfall. In these areas there are less frequent and less intense ascospore showers as rainfall events are less frequent and there is often less residues. Here, it is recommended that growers only sow varieties with a resistance score of 6 or more. Low risk areas are those with < 325 mm annual rainfall. In these areas there are evev less frequent and less intense ascospore showers as rainfall events are less frequent and there is often less residues. Here, it is recommended that growers only sow varieties with a resistance score of 5 or more. In all risk areas, varieties of lower resistance than recommended can be sown at sites that are well isolated (>2km) from any canola residues.
Options for management of blackleg in WA include the use of resistant varieties; application of various cultural measures such as avoiding inoculum (residues), destruction of residues, long duration rotations and distancing from residues; and use of fungicides.
Use of host resistance
Host resistance is largely adult plant resistance. However, such varieties with good adult plant resistance can suffer serious yield losses if attacked in the early seedling stage. Commercial varieties with intermediate adult plant resistance to blackleg suffer serious economic losses even if infected after the more susceptible seedling period has passed. The frequency of infection and the level of disease on partially resistant plants is determined by inoculum level, and may also be affected by shifts in virulence in pathogen populations. The resistance of current varieties (Table 4) may not be sufficient under the increased inoculum pressure resulting from increased areas of infected residues and use of rotations tighter than 1 in 4 years. The diverse conditions in WA make it difficult to gauge what level of resistance will be adequate to protect the crop in each situation. It is essential that improved levels of both seedling and adult plant resistance are identified for WA conditions. In the interim, planting canola should be avoided in highest risk situations.
Table 4. Adult plant canker resistance ratings for canola varieties in WA. Varieties are rated on a 1-9 scale, where 1 = extremely susceptible, 2 = very susceptible, 3 = susceptible, 4 = moderately susceptible, 5 = intermediate, 6 = moderately resistant, 7 = resistant, 8 = highly resistant, and 9 = immune.
Variety Adult resistance Variety Adult resistance
score (WA) score (WA
Conventional Triazine
varieties tolerant
Hyola 42 4 Karoo 5
Charlton 6 Clancy 6
Oscar 6 Drum 6
Monty 6 Pinnacle 6
Mystic 6
Dunkeld 7
Scoop 7
Rainbow 7
Grouse 7
Use of cultural practices
As a minimum requirement, canola should not be grown on the same land more frequently than 1 in every 4 years. Growers need to avoid canola residues by not sowing into or alongside them, nor sowing downwind of residues close by. While a minimum separation of 500m from remaining residues is critical, ideally this separation should be greater than 1.5 km. Growers should also attempt to reduce canola residues by means such as raking and burning, burying using cultivation, or grazing.
Use of fungicides
While use of fungicides have been partially evaluated (Ballinger et al. 1988a,b; Barbetti 1975b; Brown et al. 1976, Khangura and Barbetti 1997), they need further investigation for their potential to protect seedlings from seedling mortality under high inoculum levels. Previously untried fungicides need to be tested. Use of flutriafol (Impactâ) as an in-furrow fertiliser treatment is registered for use in WA. While its use has allowed increased flexibility in disease management, significant losses can and do occur even with its use. It should be viewed as an interim management tool until varieties with improved resistance are available. The situations in which flutriafol use is likely to be economic is where there is a combination of moderate host resistance (5-6 on the WA adult resistance scale), good yield potential, and moderate to severe blackleg disease pressure.
Ballinger, D.J., Salisbury, P.A., Kollmorgen, J.F. and Potter, T.D. (1988a). Evaluation of fungicides, applied at sowing, for control of blackleg of rapeseed. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 28, 511-5.
Ballinger, D.J., Salisbury, P.A., Kollmorgen, J.F., Potter, T.D. and Coventry, D.R. (1988b). Evaluation of rates of flutriafol for control of blackleg of rapeseed. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 28, 517-9.
Barbetti, M.J. (1975a). Effects of temperature on development and progression in rape of crown canker caused by Leptosphaeria maculans. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 15, 705-8.
Barbetti, M.J. (1975b). Benomyl and carbendazim fail to provide effective control of blackleg in rape. Australian Plant Pathology Society Newsletter 4, 11.
Bokor, A., Barbetti, M.J., Brown, A.G.P., MacNish, G.C., Poole, M.L. and Wood P. McR. (1975). Blackleg - a major hazard to the rapeseed industry. Journal of Agriculture, Western Australia 16, 7-10.
Brown, A.G.P., Barbetti, M.J. and Wood, P. McR. (1976). Effect of benomyl on "blackleg" disease of rape in WA. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 16, 276-9.
Khangura, R. and Barbetti, M.J. (1997). Blackleg monitoring and the role of ImpactÒ in-furrow for its management in Western Australia. Proc. ‘Eleventh Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas’, Perth, Western Australia, Oct. 6-10, 1997, pp. 16-18.
Salisbury, P.A., Ballinger, D.J., Wratten, N., Plummer, K.M. and Howlett, B.J. (1995). Blackleg disease on oilseed Brassica in Australia: a review. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 35, 665-72.
Wratten, N. and Murray, G. M. (1982). A population improvement approach for developing resistance to blackleg in rapeseed. Cruciferae Newsletter 7, 62.