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GCIRC Technical Meeting 2025

Share your findings as part of the GCIRC technical meeting 8-10 April 2025.
The GCIRC Technical Meeting is the unique opportunity for GCIRC members to share their findings, discuss the scientific fronts in rapeseed/canola research and develop a common vision of present challenges.

GCIRC welcome submissions on the science underpinning the production and future development of oilseeds.
The overall theme which we are using to set the context of the meeting is Climate Change. Within this theme, presentations will be grouped into three sessions. The focus of these sessions will be determined following a review of submitted papers. Initially, we think the sessions will follow the following sub themes:

* Adapting agronomy.

  • Nitrogen/Nutrition use efficiency
  • Breeding and managing for: drought, waterlogging, extreme weather
  • In crop diversification e.g. Intercropping

* Managing Pests and Diseases: Blackleg, Verticillium, Turnip Yellows, Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle, Winter Stem Weevil, Pollen beetle

  • Understanding pest and disease life cycles
  • Changes in migration or adaption to climate changes
  • Development and implementation of IPM systems
  • Neonics and impacts on beneficial insects
  • Deploying genetic solutions

* Greenhouse Gas Emission reduction for the agrifood sector

  • C foot printing and benchmarking
  • Breeding and production for specialist markets
  • Development of fossil fuel substitutes, industrial oils etc

Additionally, there will be an open workshop to discuss current global issues and opportunities for future research and collaboration. One major topic to be discussed will be the potential role and barriers to the adoption of gene editing/CRISPR for oilseeds. This workshop will help shape an agenda for the future congress in France.

The Technical meeting is being held at Jesus College Cambridge (UK).

The programme will also include a farm visit that grows oilseed rape and mustard.


We hope to see you there!