Being the highlight event for the European biofuel industry, the international conference “Fuels of the Future” at the same time serves as an important forum for discussing European an international politics on biofuel. The conference involves all relevant players on the market and aims at addressing the specific needs of the industry.
In January 2016, again more than 500 participants are expected to attend, among them representatives of the primary materials production industry and of logistics, of the mineral oil industry, of automotive engineering and the automotive industry, biofuel producers, auditors and environmental experts, as well as representatives from politics, certification systems, science and research.
To interested companies and associations the conference offers exhibition and cooperation possibilities which have the following targets:
- position your company at the biggest gathering of the biofuel sector in Europe,
- profit from a strong political, scientific, economic and media presence in the German capital,
- enlarge your network through high quality international contacts and
- present your products and services and gain new orders.
The conference provides a compact programme including lectures on current developments in the sector, on the economic and legal frameworks, on primary materials and potentials on international markets. Furthermore, in 2016 the focus will be on : renewables in transport – 2020 an beyond, concepts for the mobility of the future in Germany and Europe in light of the amendment of the Renewable Energy and Fuel Quality Directive, Germany is forging ahead with decarbonisation - introduction of a mandatory target for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2015 and one year of practical experience, biofuels in the context of the raw material markets and resource potentials, biofuel trade, current status of and prospects for the market development of biodiesel, bioethanol, biomethane and vegetable oil fuel, prospects of biofuels from waste and residues, sustainability certification of biofuels, power-to-Gas - wind energy as a driver for the mobility of tomorrow and advanced Biofuels
You are cordially invited to attend the “Fuels of the Future 2016” conference. You will have the opportunity to get more detailed information on the specied topics and to get into discussion with representatives from business, German and EU politics and science. The objective of our expert conference is to provide a well-founded platform to the several development paths of alternative fuels and alternative drive technologies and to promote contacts and networking for our business clients.paths of alternative fuels and alternative drive technologies and to promote contacts and networking for our business clients.