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President's message.

Happy New Year and welcome to 2025, a year that hopefully is full of good health and prosperity for all.

Our thoughts continue to go out to the people of Ukraine, and particularly our colleagues in agriculture, the devastation and destruction has been going for way too long.

World production of rapeseed/canola again experienced challenges globally, whether it be climatic conditions impacting both northern and southern hemispheres, increasing production costs, or softer grain prices. I look forward to reviewing regional crop reports and forecasts for the current crop in our next newsletter.

Focus is on the upcoming GCIRC Technical Meeting and field tour being held in Cambridge, UK 8th – 10th April 2025.  A great program is shaping up nicely under the theme of “Climate Change” covering – adapting agronomy, managing pests and diseases, delivering greenhouse gas reduction. Many thanks to Colin Peters, NIAB for his dedication to deliver this event. Registration numbers are rising, so don’t forget to register and be part of TM2025.

A GCIRC General Assembly will be held during the Technical Meeting, and this is where the board for the next 4-year term will be nominated and accepted. Many thanks to current board members who have indicated they will be continuing as their countries representative. Remember all GCIRC members are welcome and invited to attend.

With IRC-2027 only two years away, now it is a good time to put this pre-eminent Global Congress on your calendar. The 17th International Rapeseed Congress to be held in Paris, France mid 2027 (date TBC). I understand planning and preparing is well under way and good progress to date.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Cambridge in April, safe travels.

Robert Wilson, GCIRC President