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CALL FOR PAPERS, 15th International Rapeseed Congress, Berlin

NEW DEADLINE Call for papers submission: March 10th, 2019

Survey on GCIRC and its website, March 2018

Results of the survey launched in 2017

International Seminar on Brassica Juncea in Jaipur, India on February 23-26, 2017

Crop Brassicas are important sources of edible oil with lowest amount of saturated fats, oilseeds and leafy vegetables rich in minerals and antioxidants, tasteful condemned crops.

Next GCIRC Technical Meeting in Alnarp, Sweden in May 2017

<link - - "Initiates file download">Our Swedish colleagues are pleased to invite you to attend the Technical Meeting in May 2017.</link> Online registration starting in December 2016 on<link - external-link-new-window "Opens external link in new window"></link>

"Canola Digest" 09 2015 :Global effort for a common cause : Canola

The International Rapeseed Congress in Saskatoon attracted experts from around the world to provide updates on canola and rapeseed advancement. Here are some highlights. by Jay Whetter

UFOP announces in its press release : "15th IRC in Berlin in 2019"

Berlin, 10 July 2015. The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants e.V. (UFOP) will be the host for the next International Rapeseed Congress in 2019 in Berlin.