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First name : Petro
Entrance year : 2025
Occupation : The sphere of scientific interests is brassica (cruciferous) oilseed crops (spring and winter rapeseed, mustard (white, Sarep, black), camelina, fodder brassica crops. The main areas of activity are the study of the influence of various factors (abiotic and technological) on the characteristics and indicators of growth, development and formation of productivity of oilseed crops. The use of brassica crops as phytoremediants for the purpose of restoring agricultural lands after military soil contamination.
Company : National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine
Email : [hidden for users not logged in]
Birthdate : 1976/07/06
Address : Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Heroiv Oborony, 15, 03041 Kyiv / Ukraine
Main fields of interest :
  • Crop protection
  • Fertilization
  • Crop production
  • Agronomy
  • Plant physiology
  • Green chemistry
  • Economy, value chains
  • Agronomy
Professional experience : ** National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, the Kyiv city, Ukraine * 2022/to present Deputy Director, Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Coordinator of the Pesticides and Agrochemicals Testing Center. ** Kreves crops LLC the Kyiv city, Ukraine * 2018/2021. Director for Agribusiness Development, Management and Support of the “Premium Cultures' Growing and Dissemination” project ● strategic directions' development for the company extension in Ukraine; ● planning to increase both production and justification for the technical rapeseed production zones' creation to increase the amount of products for export processing; ● networking with agro-enterprises of various ownership forms and oil processing enterprises (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan); ● a scientific project support (premium technical rapeseed) of the company in the cooperation direction with research institutions of Ukraine and foreign companies; participation in presentation events. **"NAAS Agriculture Institute" NSC Chabany, the Kyiv region, Ukraine * 2011/2018. NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS," deputy director in innovation and research, head of department of intellectual property and innovation. Head of Department of scientific innovation NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS."
Education : * "NAAS Agriculture Institute" NSC, Chabany, Kyiv region, 2013 - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, specialty - plant growing. Agrobiological basis for the cruciferous oilseed crop formation in the conditions of the Ukraine grassland ecosystems: the dissertation by the Agricultural Sciences Doctor: 01/06/09; National Science Center "NAAS Agriculture Institute" . - Chabany , 2012 .-- 573 pages. * "NAAS Agriculture Institute" NSC, Chabany, Kyiv region, 2003 - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, specialty - plant growing. Optimization of technology elements for the spring rape cultivation in the northern Forest-steppe of Ukraine: the dissertation by the Agricultural Sciences Candidate: 01/06/09 - plant growing. "NAAS Agriculture Institute" NSC, Chabany - M., 2002. - 165 pages * State Agroecological Academy of Ukraine, the Zhytomyr city, 1994/1999 - Scientist Agronomist
Selected publications : * Efektyvnist system zakhystu ta udobrennia v tekhnolohii vyroshchuvannia ripaku yaroho/Naukovo-tekhnichnyi biuleten Instytutu oliinykh kultur NAAN, 2022, № 33:88-98, DOI: 10.36710/IOC-2022-33-09 * Rape with high content of Erucic Acid (Hear) as a raw material for the production of polymers from renewable plant resources/Prodovolcha ta ekolohichna bezpeka v umovakh viiny ta povoiennoi vidbudovy: vyklyky dlia Ukrainy ta svitu: mat. Mizhn. nauk.-prakt. konf., sektsiia 2: Pisliavoienne vidnovlennia roslynnykh resursiv ta ekolohichna bezpeka krainy (m. Kyiv, 25 trav. 2023 r.). Kyiv, 2023. C. 183-185 * Vyshnivskyi P.S, Vyshnevskyi V.S. Vplyv elementiv tekhnolohii na formuvannia produktyvnosti hirchytsi sareptskoi Naukovo-tekhnichnyi biuleten Instytutu oliinykh kultur NAAN, 2024, № 36:69-79 DOI: 10.36710/IOC-2024-36-06