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Last name : JAUVION
First name : Vincent
Entrance year : 2022
Occupation : Seed Processing and Valorization Dpt Manager
Email : [hidden for users not logged in]
Address : 270 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin 45160 ARDON / France
Main fields of interest :
  • Seeds, genetics
  • Plant physiology
  • Crushing, process
  • Food industries
  • Feed industries
  • Green chemistry
  • Nutrition
  • Agronomy
Professional experience : * Seed Processing and Valorization Dpt Manager at Terres Inovia ISO/IEC 17025 COFRAC accredited lab Main methods in the lab: - Physical analyses : Physical purity testing, Water content, Thousand seed weight - Chemical analyses : Fat (Oil content by Hexane extraction or by NMR), Fatty acid oil composition by GC, Oil acidity, Protein content by Kjeldahl or by Dumas method, Soluble protein content, GSL content by HPLC, Fibers and Cellulose content, Ashes - Testing material : mainly seeds such as rapeseed/canola, sunflower, linseed, soybean, pea, horse bean, lupin,… but also derived cakes/meals. - Testing for internal research programs or external customers Processing, food and feed valorization and experiments : research and innovation to create value in the crushing process. Main interests are on the health safety of oilseeds and pulses, supporting the primary seed processing industry and work on the nutritional value of seeds and cakes (food and feed). * Also : - ISO/TC34/SC2 and AFNOR/T60D chairman - AFNOR T60C, V18A and V54A member - ISO/TC34/SC4/WG6 convenor - VP and board director of BIPEA (international lab proficiency tests organizer) * Expertise from previous jobs : - Physiological and germination, usable plant and vigor testing with ISTA or in-house (lab or greenhouse) testing. - Physical purity and other seed by number testing (according to ISTA rules) - Testing material : vegetables, trees and shrubs seeds - Plant genetics and molecular biology - PhD work.
Education : * PhD in plant biology and genetics - Sorbonne University (Paris VI) / INRAe Versailles IJPB, supervised by Dr Hervé Vaucheret * Master 2 in plant biology, genetics and molecular bilogy - Saclay University (Paris XI)
Selected publications : * The conserved RNA trafficking proteins HPR1 and TEX1 are involved in the production of endogenous and exogenous small interfering RNA in Arabidopsis (2010) Jauvion, V., Elmayan, T., and Vaucheret, H. Plant Cell 22, 2697-2709. * The miRNA pathway limits AGO1 availability during siRNA-mediated PTGS defense against exogenous RNA (2011) Martinez de Alba, A.E., Jauvion, V., Mallory, A.C., Bouteiller, N., and Vaucheret, H. Nucleic Acids Res 39, 9339-9344 * RDR2 partially antagonizes the production of RDR6-dependent siRNA in sense transgene-mediated PTGS (2012) Jauvion, V., Rivard, M., Bouteiller, N., Elmayan, T., and Vaucheret, H. PLoS One 7, e29785. * Mutations in the Arabidopsis H3K4me2/3 demethylase JMJ14 suppress posttranscriptional gene silencing by decreasing transgene transcription (2012) Le Masson, I., Jauvion, V., Bouteiller, N., Rivard, M., Elmayan, T., and Vaucheret, H. Plant Cell 24, 3603-3612. * Post-transcriptional gene silencing triggered by sense transgenes involves uncapped antisense RNA and differs from silencing intentionally triggered by antisense transgenes (2015) Parent JS, Jauvion V, Bouché N, Béclin C, Hachet M, Zytnicki M, Vaucheret H. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jul 24. pii: gkv753. * The Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein SmD1 Interplays with Splicing, RNA Quality Control, and Posttranscriptional Gene Silencing in Arabidopsis (2016) Elvira-Matelot E, Bardou F, Ariel F, Jauvion V, Bouteiller N, Le Masson I, Cao J, Crespi MD, Vaucheret H. Plant Cell