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Wallace A. COWLING
Last name : COWLING
First name : Wallace A.
Entrance year : 2009
Occupation : Professor in Plant Breeding, Associate Director of The UWA Institute of Agriculture
Email : [hidden for users not logged in]
Birthdate : 1954/03/11
Language : English
Address : The UWA Institute of Agriculture M082, The University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway WA 6009 CRAWLEY / Australia
Main fields of interest :
  • Seeds, genetics
Professional experience : My research links the public and private sectors to improve efficiency and outputs of plant breeding. My vision, now being realised in practice, is to double the long-term rate of genetic improvement in grain yield and other traits important for sustainable agricultural production. Efficient and innovative plant breeding is vital for the future of global food security. I strive to improve the education, training and motivation of future agricultural scientists.
Education : * BAgrSc (Hons) (1975) The University of Melbourne * PhD (1980) University of California, Davis
Selected publications : * Cowling, W.A., Li, L., Siddique, K.H.M., Banks, R.G. and B.P. Kinghorn. 2019. Modeling crop breeding for global food security during climate change. Food and Energy Security 8:e00157 * Cowling, W.A, Gaynor, R.C., Antolín, R., Gorjanc, G., Edwards, S.M., Powell, O. and J.M. Hickey. 2020. In silico simulation of future hybrid performance to evaluate heterotic pool formation in a self-pollinating crop. Scientific Reports 10:4037. * Anders, S., Cowling, W., Pareek, A., Gupta, K.J., Singla-Pareek, S.L. and C.H. Foyer. 2021. Gaining acceptance of novel plant breeding technologies. Trends in Plant Science (online)